ROPS FOPS Toyota Hino Conversions

Transerve-JHT specialises in the design and manufacture of ROPS FOPS conversions.

The vehicle pictured alongside underwent extensive customisation and was transformed into a ROPS field service vehicle featuring a complete hydraulic system to drive pumps, hose reels, compressors, and a power washer.

We also incorporated a number of secure, lockable compartments for tools and equipment.

Our clients also specify engine de-rating and this vehicle was also fitted with a real time management system, a sophisticated fire suppression system and fire fighting as well as first aid equipment.

This ROPS service vehicle with a 3.5 meter deck also sports a world leading safe braking system in accordance with SANS 1589-2012.

The cab also features an air cleaning system as well as durable canvas seat coverings which can be easily removed for cleaning.